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Thursday, February 28, 2013


Staff Selection Commission Placement Paper Whole-Testpaper Latest(2012)

  • Thursday, February 28, 2013
  • kutty
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  •  1. Design of the National Flag was adopted by the constituent Assembly of India in-
    (a) July, 1948
    (b) July, 1950
    (c) July, 1947
    (d) Aug., 1947

    2. Who among the following was the chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Indian constitution ?
    (a) Rajendra Prasad
    (b) Tej Bahadur Sapru
    (c) C. Rajgopalachari
    (d) B. R. Ambedkar

    3. What is the special constitutional position of Jammu and Kashmir ?
    (a) Indian laws are not applicable
    (b) It has its own constitution
    (c) It is not one of the integral part of India
    (d) k is above Indian constitution

    4. The Indian constitution closely follows the constitutional system of -
    (a) USA
    (b) U. K.
    (c) Switzerland
    (d) Russia

    5. In a parliamentary form of government, real powers of the state are vested in the-
    (a) council of ministers
    (b) President
    (c) Government
    (d) Parliament

    6. The Directive Principles of state policy included in the constitution of India have been inspired by constitution of-
    (a) U. S. A.
    (b) Ireland
    (c) Canada
    (d) Australia

    7. What is the minimum permissible age for employment In any factory or mine ?
    (a) 12 years
    (b) 14 years
    (c) 16 years
    (d) 18 years

    8. Total number of members in a legislative council should not exceed that of a Legislative Assembly by-

    9. Who is a highest Law Officer of a state ?
    (a) Attorney General
    (b) Advocate General
    (c) Solicitor General
    (d) Secretary General

    10. Which of the following is also called the "house of elders"?
    (a) Rajya Sabha
    (b) Lok Sabha
    (c) Gram Sabha
    (d) Vidhan Sabha

    11.Members of the Union Public Service Commission function
    (a) 60 years
    (b) 58 years
    (c) 62 years
    (d) 65 years

    12. The first no confidence motion moved in the Lok Sabha After independence was in the year-
    (a) 1954
    (b) 1960
    (c) 1963
    (d) 1975

    13. The Legislative Council in a state can be created or disbanded by the-
    (a)State Legislative alone
    (b) Parliament alone
    (c) Parliament on recommendation of the state legislative
    (d) President on recommendation of the Governor

    14.The Union Territories get representation in-
    (a) Lok Sabha
    (b) Rajya Sabha
    (c) Both houses of Parliament
    (d) None of these

    15 In a case of a deadlock between the two Houses of the parliament, the joint sitting is presided over by the-
    (a) President
    (b) Vice-President
    (c) Speaker of Lok Sabha
    (d) Member of the Lok Sabha specially selected for the purpose

    16. Joint sitting of the two Houses of Parliament are held to-
    (a) elect the President of India
    (b) elect the Vice-President
    (c) adopt a constitution amending Bill
    (d) consider and pass a bill on which two Houses disagree

    17. A money bill passed by the Lok Sabha has to be passed by Rajya Sabha within-
    (a) 14 days
    (b) 21 days
    (c) 1 month
    (d) 3 months

    18.Parliament of India is composed of-
    (a) Lok Sabha only
    (b) Rajya Sabha only
    (c) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
    (d) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and President

    19. When can the speaker exercise his right to vote In the House ?
    (a) whenever he desires
    (b) whenever the House desires
    (c) only in the event of equality of votes
    (d) whenever his party desires

    20. Who presided over the meetings of the Rajya Sabha ?
    (a) President
    (b) Vice-President
    (c) Prime Minister
    (d) Speaker

    21.Parliament or a State Legislature can declare a seat vacant of a member absents himself without permission from the sessions for-
    (a) 30 days
    (b) 60 days
    (c) 90 days
    (d) 120 days

    22. Members of the Rajya Sabha are elected according to
    (a) cumulative vote system
    (b) single non-transferable vote system
    (c) single transferable vote system
    (d) none of these

    23. Which of the following can be abolished but not dissolved ?
    (a) Rajya Sabha
    (b) Municipal Bodies
    (c) State Legislative Council
    (d) None of these

    24. Which of the following appointment is not made by the President of India ?
    (a) Speaker of Lok Sabha
    (b) Chief Justice of India
    (c) Chief of the Air Force
    (d) Chief of the Army

    25. The charge of impeachment against the President of India for his removal can be preferred by-
    (a) Rajya Sabha
    (b) Lok Sabha
    (c) Speaker of Lok Sabha and chairman of Rajya Sabha
    (d) Both Houses of Parliament

    26. Under whose advice the President of India declares emergency under Article 352 ?
    (a) council of ministers
    (b) cabinet
    (c) Chief ministers of all states
    (d) Prime Minister

    27. The President of India can be removed from his office by the-
    (a) Prime Minister
    (b) Lok Sabha
    (c) Chief Justice of India
    (d) Parliament

    28.Which subject was transferred from state list to concurrent list by the 42 nd amendment of the constitution ?
    (a) Agriculture
    (b) Education
    (c) Irrigation
    (d) Local self government

    29.Who has the constitutional authority to decide tax share of states ?
    (a) Finance Minister
    (b) Finance Commission
    (c) Planning Commission
    (d) Union Cabinet

    30. For the enforcement of Fundamental Rights, the Supren1 Court may issue a/an-
    (a) decree
    (b) ordinance
    (c) notification
    (d) writ

    31.Which High Court has jurisdiction over the state Arunachal Pradesh ?
    (a) Guwahati
    (b) Mumbai
    (c) Kolkata
    (d) Chandigarh

    32. Which of the following writs may be issued to enforce a Fundamental Right ?
    (a) Habeas corpus
    (b) Mandamus
    (c)' Prohibition
    (d) Certiorari

    33. Which of the following Articles deals with the Amendment to our constitution ?
    (a) 356
    (b) 368
    (c) 370
    (d) 372

    34. In India, political parties are given recognization by-
    (a) President
    (b) Law Commission
    (c) Speaker of Lok Sabha
    (d) Election Commission

    35.The Election Commission does not conduct the elections to the-
    (a) Lok Sabha
    (b) Rajya Sabha
    (c) Local bodies
    (d) President's elections

    36.Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner of India ?
    (a) President
    (b) Prime Minister
    (c) Parliament
    (d) Chief Justice of India

    37.Who among the following is authorized to declare elections of the Lok Sabha ?
    (a) President
    (b) Prime Minister
    (c) Union Cabinet
    (d) Election Commission

    38. The Panchayati Raj system was adopted to-
    (a) make people aware of politics
    (b) decentralize the power of democracy
    (c) educate the peasants
    (d) none of these

    39.Which of the following is a source of income of the Gram Panchayats ?
    (a) Income Tax
    (b) Sales Tax
    (c) Professional Tax
    (d) Levy Duties

    40. which of the following states was the Panchayati Raj first introduced ?
    (a) Rajasthan
    (b) Gujarat
    (c) U. P.
    (d) Bihar

    41.In 1992 in which amendment the historic Panchayati Raj bill was adopted by the Parliament ?
    (a) 70th
    (b) 72nd
    (c) 74th
    (d) 68th

    42.Which of the following is not a source of revenue to the village panchayats ?
    (a)Property Tax
    (b) House Tax
    (c)Land Tax
    (d) Vehicle Tax

    43.Which is at the apex of the three-tier system of Panchi Raj ?
    (a) Gram Sabha
    (b) Gram Panchayat
    (c) Zila Parishad
    (d) Panchayat Samiti

    44. Special representation in Panchayati Raj Institution given to
    (a) Women
    (b) Co-operative societies
    (c) Bar' A/ard classes
    (d) All of these

    45.Whir.i article of the constitution directs the government to organize Village Panchayats-
    (a) Art-32
    (b) Art-40
    (c) Art-48
    (d) Art-51

    46.Planning Commission is a-
    (a) Statutory body
    (b) Executive body
    (c) Autonomous body
    (d) None of these

    47.Which of the following is not an essential element state-
    (a) Population
    (b) Territory
    (c) Sovereignty
    (d) Democracy

    48.The only President of India who was elected unoppoi is-
    (a) S. Radhakrishnan
    (b) Dr. Zakir Hussain
    (c) Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy
    (d) Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad

    49. Protection of the interests of the minorities is envisaged in which of the folic policies ?
    (a) 14
    (b) 19
    (c) 29
    (d) 32

    50.Territorial waters of India extends up to how many nautical miles ?
    (a) 8
    (b) 12
    (c) 16
    (d) 22

    51.Jaina HIll is located in which of the following Indian State?
    b.Tamil Nadu
    d.Andhra Pradesh

    52.Which of the following telecom authority has recently given the power to act like a civil court?
    a.Depart of Telecommunication(DoT)
    b.Telecom Regulatory Authority of India(TRAI)
    c.Wireless Planning & Coordination (WPC) Wing
    d.Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL)

    53.Recently the Union Government of India has set up NATGRID. It is related to which one of the following?

    54 The Government of India has recently set up Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC). It will be headed by which of the followings -
    a.Finance Minister
    b.Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister
    c.Governor of RBI
    d.Prime Minister

    55 What is the main constituent of a Pearl?
    a.Calcium carbonate only
    b.Calcium sulphate only
    c.Calcium oxide and calcium sulphate
    d.Calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate

    56 Which one among the following will you put in to pure water in order to pass electric current through it?
    a.Mustard oil
    c.Lemon Juice

    57 Gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) is added to clinker during cement manufacturing to
    a.a decrease the rate of setting of cement
    b.bind the particles of calcium silicate
    c.facilitate the formation of colloidal gel
    d.impart strength to cement

    58 Which one among the following is not guaranteed by the Constitution of India?
    a.Freedom to own, acquire and dispose of property anywhere in the country
    b.Freedom to move freely throughout the country
    c.Freedom to assemble peacefully without arms
    d.Freedom to practice any trade or profession

    59 Which of the following statements is/are correct?
    Under the provisions of Article 200 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of a state may:
    withhold his assent to a bill passed by the state legislature
    reserve the Bill passed by the state legislature for consideration of the President.
    return the Bill, other than a money Bill, for reconsideration of the legislature
    select the correct answer using the code given below:
    a.1 only
    b.1 and 2 only
    c.2 and 3 only
    d.1, 2 and 3

    60.With reference to the conduct of government business in the Parliament of India, the term 'closure' refers to
    a.the termination of a parliamentary session
    b.suspension of debate at the termination of a day's sitting of the Parliament
    c.a rule of legislative procedure under which further debate on a motion can be halted
    d.refusal on the part of the government to have the opposition look at important documents

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